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  • Writer's pictureEmeldah Kgwedi

The Perils of Wearing Wigs

You know the deal, you’re helping out during a deliverance session and suddenly the person being delivered goes all wild and falls over, and takes you AND YOUR WIG down with them…

That’s never happened to you? Must just be me😂

In all honesty, I probably should never have gotten a wig. I don’t know what I was thinking.

Okay, maybe I do know what I was thinking. I was thinking I could save some money on a hairstyle.

Instead, the first few days, the thing was too tight and combined with my fasting, it gave me a headache. But I held on. It made me look good, so that was the plus side.

The down side was how much maintenance it took! Jeez! No one tells you how you constantly have to brush this hair and make sure it’s in position. It’s a full time job, a wig and I think I never should have applied for the role. I was too inept for it. ( The labour of a fool wearies them all…)

Today, as I put it on, honestly, I felt ridiculous. I felt even more ridiculous during service. I had a sharp pain in my stomach and this tightness on my head from this wig and it just felt like the walls were closing in on me, I even contemplated going to the bathroom and just whipping the thing off… But that would not have been ladylike at all. But it was really detracting from the service for me. And it just made me wonder why I was punishing myself that way, to the point that I couldn’t even hear the word of God.

Truly, it is the vanity of vanities and I refuse to partake of it again!

There are so many perils to wearing wigs, that I wish they came with a warning. I constantly felt as though someone was going to come from behind me and yank the thing off my head.

I guess in the end, the saying applies, to each his own! Those who can actually stand wigs, good for you!

But for me… I’ll pass😛

Love, Lee❤

Jesus loves you!

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